Showing posts with label Gogo Maweni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gogo Maweni. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 January 2024


In a recent video that has stirred significant controversy, reality TV star and traditional healer, Gogo Maweni, has taken to social media to send a stern message to women attempting to lay their hands on her husband, Sabelo Magube. 

The footage, posted on TikTok, showcases Gogo Maweni’s assertive stance and has generated a wave of mixed reactions due to her unconventional approach.

As a traditional healer, Gogo Maweni’s threat to use a human-made curse against those seeking to snatch her husband has ignited a fierce debate on social media. The video, shared widely, portrays her as unyielding and resolute in her determination to protect her marital union.

Despite the cultural and spiritual nuances associated with Gogo Maweni’s role as a sangoma, social media users have expressed diverse opinions about her warning. 

The video has prompted discussions on the appropriateness of using spiritual practices in matters of relationships, leading to a range of contrasting viewpoints.

In the video, Gogo Maweni asserts her perspective on dealing with relationship issues, stating that she does not engage in fights for a man. Instead, she claims to address matters directly with the other woman involved. 

She emphasizes the influence of social media, asserting that a mere picture and the woman’s name and surname are sufficient for her to take action.

“There’s no one who doesn’t know that Sabelo is in a relationship with me. Just like you guys, people know who you are dating. Don’t fight with the girl now. 

We’ve got social media, we’ve got your pictures, name and surname. We deal with you at 12 o’clock, we don’t fight with girls,” she said in the video.

While Gogo Maweni’s approach may resonate with some, it has sparked anger and accusations of witchcraft from others on Twitter. 

Users have expressed concerns about the potential misuse of spiritual practices and have questioned her role as a traditional healer. 

Some tweets, such as @oyama’s statement, “Gogo Maweni is a full-blown witch. 

A witch iyachitha and not build. She is not a healer. Uyathakatha,” have contributed to the controversy surrounding her video.

Thursday 25 January 2024

Gogo Maweni explaining about ukuthwala, Risky of ukuthwala and goods


If you want to thwala with A tortoise, you'll need to give it a distance but then when it reaches that given distance, you'll die. It walks slowly, let's say you put it ko Cape Town to Musina.. It'll walk from Cape Town to Musina when it gets there. You die.. This can take Years though. ❤️

If you want to thwala with a snake, you'll need to feed it blood, some need animals blood, some need to be surrounded by cash.. You put Cash around it then Yona it gets you more of it, but it's risky because sometimes it can ask for humans blood (close family) . ❤️

There's this other one Ya Sghubu, they'll mix muthi with some of your blood, sometimes they'll need a goat, so that they mix your blood together with Goat's blood, you won't give birth anymore. Money will come like Peanuts. ❤️

You can thwala, with an Owl.. At night, it'll go fetch you Money but you need to at least sleep with women more for this, the more you sleep with women the more you make money only sleep with them at night, only fresh ones. You don't repeat Basadi. ❤️

There's another one, Ya Tokoloshi.. You go to the grave of any person that has died and had Money, you go with a black chicken, they slaughter that chicken on top of that person grave to wake his or her spirit, her or his spirit will always bring you cash, but consequences are hard. You always feel like you're sleeping with this person 3 times a week and your Relationships won't last since the person will be jealous. ❤️