Sunday 3 March 2024



1-may catch you in bed with another woman and storm out of the bedroom and leave. 

2-Then you call her several times but no answer. 

3-A few days later, you will receive her call back. 

4-My brother never think that she can't live without you, that lady really loves you, it is not some kind of stupidity. 

5-Ladies get hurt, but sometimes they choose to believe you and think that you might change to become a better person. 

6-Flowers and expensive gifts won't make her forget the bad things you once did to her. That smile she gives you doesn't mean that everything is now okay, it still hurt inside her. 

7-Pain is something that ladies can live with; no matter how much you break her heart, she always find a way to keep on loving you. 

8-Never take her for granted; she might be the last one to give you that much love in your life. 

9-Loving you doesn't make her stupid but having you to laugh at her does. 

10-My brothers, let us love and respect our women. They only need real love and care from us. 

Before Mr Ibu died:


▪️first wife divorced him & took away his savings

▪️Second wife accused him of sleeping with daughter 

▪️Consequently, he suffered diabetes

▪️Had blood clotting & dead blood vessels in leg

▪️His daughter squandered monies meant for his surgery

▪️His wife still asked for iPhone 15 while he was dying 

▪️He sold almost all his properties

▪️His leg was eventually amputated

▪️Finally, he dies abandoned with no wife, no properties, no money and no legs

Legacy ruined! Marriage is a loss to every man!

BREAKING: 11-year-old girl got raped in her sleep in Shawela Village.

Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offenses Unit in Giyani is actively pursuing an unidentified suspect following the disturbing rape of an 11-year-old girl on 25 February 2024 at about 20:00, in Shawela Village, within the Giyani policing area under the Mopani District.

According to reports, the young victim had attended a church service in the company of her grandmother but returned home earlier in the day leaving her grandmother behind. Upon the elderly woman's return later in the afternoon, she discovered that the child was not at home. Subsequently, she left to attend to errands, and upon her return, found the victim back home but unaware of any wrongdoing.

The harrowing truth came to light three days later on 28 February 2024, when the grandmother was deeply shocked to find the child watching a distressing video on a cellphone depicting her own rape by an unknown perpetrator. It was then that the victim disclosed to her grandmother that she had been raped while asleep at home on the day she returned from church.

The incident was promptly reported to the police, leading to the initiation of a rape case.

Preliminary investigations have uncovered that the video capturing the heinous act was recorded using the grandmother's phone. The circumstances surrounding the recording remain unclear, prompting ongoing inquiries into the matter.

The Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe has unequivocally condemned this abhorrent crime that has exposed a minor to such unspeakable violence.

The SAPS remains steadfast in its commitment to apprehending the perpetrator responsible for this reprehensible act and ensuring justice for the young victim.

Police appeal to anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect to contact Investigating Officer Sergeant Maropeng Mashapa on 083 503 9325 or Crime Stop number on 08600 10111 or nearest police station or MySAPS App.

Saturday 2 March 2024

Nollywood icon John Okafor, commonly known as Mr. Ibu, has reportedly passed away.

Nollywood icon John Okafor, commonly known as Mr. Ibu, has reportedly passed away. The veteran actor, renowned for his comedic prowess, was 62 years old.

Mr Ibu has died

The Nigerian actor passed away after a prolonged battle with illness.

Nigerian celebrated actor, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu, has had one of his legs amputated in a bid to “keep him alive.”

His family, who took to Instagram to share the update, revealed that the actor has undergone seven surgeries, all of which were successful. However, they emphasized that the amputation was a necessary step to increase his chances of survival.

“At 1 pm today, Daddy underwent 7 successful surgeries, but to ensure his continued survival and improve his prospects for recovery, one of his legs had to be amputated.

“This development has been extremely challenging for our family, but we have had to accept it as Daddy’s new reality in order to keep him alive”, reads the statement of posted on Instagram.

The family is still reaching out to well-wishers for further support to cover ongoing medical expenses.

Download Stay - P _ Chelete



Stay - P is here with his first appearance song that's named Chelete...


Download and share. This song is also available digital platforms go there and stream

Download audio here 

Friday 1 March 2024

Download smilee Camera Man _ Impi yengoma


Smilee Camera Man _ impi yengoma


Smilee Camera Man dropped new song that's named Impi yengoma, 

Download and share bellow this song is also available digital platforms 

Download audio here 

I wasn't really talented and I knew nothing about music but but hardwork got me where I am today." Black Coffee 

I wasn't really talented and I knew nothing about music but but hardwork got me where I am today." Black Coffee 

I loved music but I discovered quite early that I couldn't sing. People get drawn into music when they can sing or play instruments but I just knew that I wanted to be in the music scene. 

Then the thought of being a DJ came to my mind though I couldn't really produce by then but I knew I could do it. Anything that had to with music in school or my neighborhood, I always tried to be involved so I could learn. 

Being successful is all about belief and taking chances. Most people are so afraîd to faîl that they don't even try. If you have a have a dream, just believe in yourself and work hard because we live in a world where people will always try to dîscourage you but all that matters is your belief because if you believe in yourself, you'd know what's best for you." Black Coffee

In whatever you do, people will always dîscourage you but all that matters is what you think of yourself.