Wednesday 7 February 2024


The DA has called on KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Social Development MEC, Nonhlanhla Khoza, to provide answers after a three-month-old baby girl was abandoned by her mother, allegedly after she could not get help from social workers. The infant was found in eThekwini with a note from her mother outlining her tragic situation. The mom wrote“Hi. You might be wondering why I dumped my baby; don’t wonder just help her if you can or call authorities but don’t judge me. I have spoken twice with Social Workers. They delaying to assist, I know this looks bad but I had no option. The system is fragile and we can’t even abort safely anymore. Hospitals have strict rules.”

DA KZN Social Development spokesperson Mmabatho Tembe said: “The abandonment of yet another baby is telling of a broken system. Of particular concern are the contents of the letter in which the child’s mother apologises for her actions, stating that she tried to get help but none was forthcoming.

“This Department has a responsibility to help citizens in time of need and she should have been able to receive assistance.”

The child was found by a man picking mangoes on Monday morning in 28 degree temperatures near Oaklands Drive in Dawncrest. She had been dumped in a bush, at the base of an embankment next to a stream near a soccer court. Beside the child, the mother had left a bag with nappies and a bottle of milk in it, as well as a pacifier.

After reading the note (written in English), the man contacted his employer who called RUSA (Reaction Unit South Africa). Members of defence company RUSA were highly commended for their sensitive and caring handling of the situation.

The sad note from the mother who abandoned her baby in KZN. Photo: FB / RUSA

RUSA said: “On arrival, Reaction Officers were pointed out the location of the discovery and handed over the child and the bag. A female Officer & Medics were called to the scene and the child’s soaked diaper was changed. The baby girl was then fed with a bottle of milk. Medics examined the infant aged approx three (3) months and found her to be in good health.”

RUSA added yesterday: “A criminal case of Child Abandonment will be registered & Reaction Officers will be seeking assistance to identify the child or mother. If any can assist with the identification, kindly contact 086 1234 333 (RUSA)

Today, the DA’s Tembe said it was clear the mother had abandoned her daughter in an act of “sheer desperation”, and said if her claims are verified, “there must be severe consequences”.RUSA (Reaction Unit South Africa) members have been highly commended for their sensitive handling of the tragic situation. Photo: FB / RUSA

The DA has raised the issue of child abandonment on several occasions, including last month when it called on the department to:

Provide increased support to NGOs with baby drop-off safes so that babies are not left in bins or, as in this case, out in the open

Work closely with other government departments, such as Health, to deal with the rise in child abandonment

Intensify programmes within clinics and hospitals regarding unwanted pregnancies and deal with red tape surrounding this issue and;

Increase community campaigns on options available to those women with unwanted pregnancies.


Many social media users have expressed heartbreak that the mother felt she had no option but to abandon her child.

Sameera A said: “Just look at that baby’s face!!!! You can clearly see that this baby girl was taken very good care of by this mother! With so many harsh negative comments assumptions and judgements ! Failure to try and understand the many possible reasons behind the painful decision this.mum had to take. Imagine the tears that must have been flowing down her cheeks as she penned that little note and when she placed that little one down how heavy her heart must have felt while walking away! For such a drastic step to take she definitely been going through a lot throughout that pregnancy. She may have been failed by Many! Thank the almighty that this precious was found unharmed.”


Heather B revealed: “My birth mother was 18 yrs when I was born. She walked out of hospital in 1951 soon after, without me. Fortunately I was adopted at 6 wks old by a wonderful couple who couldn’t have children. I was one of the lucky ones. I pray this little one will be too.”

Ethne K wrote: “I cannot even imagine how desperate that poor mother was to leave her baby. She is probably suffering from post natal depression, beyond the ability of thinking logically and obviously no help being offered to her in her predicament. I hope they find her, that she be reunited with her baby and gets the help she so desperately needs.”

Hazel L said: “How deeply sad. To leave your baby must be the most terrible ache ever. I will not judge. I pray that God protects both the mother and this precious child. How terribly heartsore ?”

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