Sunday 28 January 2024

 7 Regrettable Mistakes Ladies Make With Men

It's commonly said and I quote, "A wise man learns from his mistakes and from the mistakes of others, but a foolish man doesn't learn from others and the mistakes he made".

I love women dearly and I cherish them. Every reasonable man should do this. But my heart bleeds when I see them become recipients of relationship issues in the hands of men. 


If many of them were wise enough, they'd have learned from others mistakes before they find themselves in one. How I wished I have the power to prevent ladies from making mistakes but I trust this article to equip you if you adhere to the truths in it. 

Grab a bottle of chilled coke with your popcorn as I take you through these truths and it's my prayers that you won't make these mistakes. Let your Amen sound like thunder! 

1. Giving him sex prior to marriage 

Do you know what sex means to a man? Shhhh! Let me tell you now. 

An average man wants sex from ladies but a real man needs lovemaking from his wife. 

Sex to a man is to ease his sexual urge or soften his sexual feelings when it comes. But you, sex to you means bonding. 

A man can have sex with many ladies and may not feel connected to any but a woman cannot have sex with men and not feel drawn to the one who did it well. 

Giving a man sex before marriage is like auctioning your body. No matter how rich you are, you can't test drive some cars, you must buy them. 

If you give a man sex before marriage, it doesn't mean he'll love you or marry you; you've only proven to him that you're cheap to get. 

Premarital sex is an outright evil. It reduces your worth as a lady. It destroys your body gradually. It's a sin against God and it has more far-reaching consequences. 

2. Allowing him to press do-re-mi on your body 

Two areas of a woman's body that catches a man's attention are the Chelsea (breast) and Arsenal (buttocks). The third one is the face. 

When a man often presses do-re-mi on your body, he breaks down your wall of self-control until a day comes that he'll freely enter the place. Sebi, you know the place? 

If he touches you indecently once, take it as a mistake but if it reoccurs, it's intentional. And as such, give him that look that would call him to order but if you laugh sheepishly, he'll keep doing it until your mumu button will be activated for sex one day. 

3. Taking "I will marry you" as a visa to marriage

Who "I will marry you" epp?

A man that has just said "I will marry you" is only making a promise and not a commitment. Action they say, speaks louder than words. Let his actions for marriage speak. 

Don't be stupefied by his promise. It's cheap to make promises but difficult to fulfill it. 

Lots of empty promises have made lots of ladies to give their all to a man who's only taking them for a ride. Please learn so that you can avoid stories that touches the heart. 

4. Building your life around a man who sees no future in you 

Why would you do that? 

Until you're sure that a man is serious, don't take him serious or commit your heart to him. 

I make no apology for that. 

It's unwise to build your life around a man that's not taking you serious. Some men are only taking you for fun or using you to while away time because they're still single and searching or not ready for a serious relationship. 

By their fruits, you shall know them. He won't talk marriage with you. He won't discuss the future with you. He won't incorporate you into his life. 

All that he's going to talk about is pleasure, sex and fun! Be careful of such men, they're plenty, even inside the church you'd find them. 

Before you end up as being friendzoned, zone him out of your life. If you don't know how, I can recommend a surveyor for you to help you with that. 

5. Loving a man more than God 

This is the greatest of all mistakes most ladies make. 

Many of you are so into a man that you have no place in God. You've given your all to him and God has no place in your life. This is foolishness of the highest order! 

If you love a man more than God, he'll take you for granted and treat you as a piece of trash. Because he doesn't cherish you, he'll toy with your heart. 

Be so into God that it'll cost a man to pursue God before he gets your heart. Don't be so cheap that your price can be bought with sharwama, latest iphone or cash. 

Be like the Proverbs 31 woman whose price is far above rubies. If you love a man more than God, he becomes your idol and God hates idol worshippers.

Do you still remember the Ten Commandments? Don't worship him, worship God. Love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind; not a man, even your husband shouldn't take the place of God. 

6. Waiting for a man to engage you before you feel complete 

This is another mistake ladies make. 

Let me shock you with this truth: you don't need a man to complete you, a man needs you to complement him. 

I'm not saying this to promote feminism. That God created the woman for the man doesn't mean the woman's life is a useless thing until she's married. 

Why should being single bother you when you can get a life now? Pursue your career. Learn a trade. Master your craft. Discover your God-given purpose. Fulfill it. Develop godly and enviable character. Build capacity. 

Be the best that you can be in what your hands find doing. But don't use your body sinfully. 

Allow God to make you a wholesome person before a man comes into your life. Don't rush to be engaged to a man when you're still an incomplete half. Be a complete single lady! 

When God makes you, you'll become the best fit for your man. But if you wait for a man to make you feel complete while important things are left unattended to in your life, you'll be deformed. 

7. Depending solely on what MOG says while making marital decisions 

Men of God are not God, they are to lead you to God. Any MOG that leads you to himself is making himself a god and it's an offense that's punishable under Divine laws.

Back to my gist, don't depend solely on what MOG says on who to marry. You can get access to God if you draw closer to Him. 

See, God hasn't gone on sabbatical leave, draw closer to Him and you'll discover that the only difference between you and MOG is their calling; which you must respect. 

Remember: when it comes to choosing who to marry, don't wait on what they tell you. Know what God is saying too. If you depend solely on them, you'll be confused but when you hear God first, whatever they say would be a confirmation, a recheck or a neglect. God bless us all

May you never make an irredeemable mistake in life!



A husband is a leader and a leader leads by example not by screaming! You have no right to correct your wife if you are doing same. Some men complain their wives are dirty but they are worse! They harbour dirt and grime, wear dirty, smelly boxers for a week, smelling, stained and sand accumulated socks for 5 days and would eat without brushing their teeth! They do not shave neither do they bath regularly. They come to bed all smelly and bushy and wonder why their wives don't listen to simple instruction!

If you are guilty of same offence, please, don't correct that woman, go correct yourself first then you have mouth to talk. A husband is a leader and a leader leads by example! You earn her respect forever! If you want her to stop hanging out with gossips on the street, lead by example! If you want her to be committed in church, show her by example! If you do not want her to flirt around, be her role model! You want her to be a prayer warrior and a wordsmith, show her by example! 

Enough of beating and battering women in the name of correcting them! If you beat your wife, you are sick and needs serious medical check up! You don't beat a grown up adult for God's sake! Enough of African nonsense that makes men irresponsible and turn women to animals!

Lead by example! Teach her by your actions, if she is rude, you be humble and submissive to authority figures above you and she will learn. I'm not saying you should not correct your wife, do so but do it with an example to back it up!

A great husband deserves respect, honour and submission. Your shinning example makes you a great husband. Start today by doing the things you need to do to make your wife a virtuous and glorious woman. You will not fail in Jesus name. Thanks for reading God bless you. Cheers!


A final year Medical Doctor and Teacher meet their untimely death due to an accident


A final year Medical Doctor and Teacher meet their untimely death due to an accident

 The University of Limpopo has on Tuesday confirmed passing of a medical student. 


Thabang Puleng Mofya and his girlfriend Emelda Bongi Nakeng ( Sathekge) met their untimely death this past weekend. 

This after the car they were traveling in crashed head - on with Municipal truck on Matlala road on the outskirts of Polokwane. 

The 27 - year old Emelda Bongi was a teacher at Mphareng Junior Primary School and was being driven to work in Makgofe when the accident took place.

Mofya ( 26 ) was expected to complete his Medical studies later this year when he met his untimely passing. 

The couple will be laid to rest at Seshego Zone 3 this coming weekend.

ukuphila okuphelele’ Kelly Khumalo Kicks Her Mom Out Over Her Biological Father

In the latest twist of events surrounding the life of renowned singer Kelly Khumalo, the Empini hitmaker has reportedly found herself entangled in a family dispute, resulting in the alleged expulsion of her mother, Ntombifuthi Khumalo, from her Johannesburg home.

Sources close to the situation reveal that tensions within the Khumalo family have escalated to the point where Kelly is believed to be at odds with almost everyone in her immediate circle. The reported fallout with her family members, particularly her sister Zandi, has created a strained relationship that has spilled over to include her mother.

An insider sheds light on the situation, stating, “Kelly had an altercation with her sister (Zandi). When she started fighting with Zandi, she expected her mom to take her side. But Ntombifuthi decided not to choose sides.

Eventually, Kelly told her mom to stop talking to Zandi. Again, her mother refused to do so. Kelly wasn’t happy about this and started bullying her mom, shouting, yelling, and belittling Ntombifuthi in front of her kids.”

The reported incident occurred approximately four months ago, leading Ntombifuthi to pack her bags and leave for KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). Despite efforts by the Khumalo family to reconcile, Kelly Khumalo has allegedly remained estranged, choosing not to return to her family in KZN.

The insider claims, “The problem is Kelly refuses to come back home. She’s too much of a celebrity now and has distanced herself from the family.”

However, Kelly Khumalo has refuted these allegations, dismissing the notion that she expelled her mother from her home. In response to the claims, she revealed that her mother left because she sought the truth about her biological father, an unresolved matter that has lingered in her family for years.

My mother left because I wanted the truth about my biological father, which has been an elephant in the room for years in my family. My mother can talk to whoever she wants; I can’t force her to stand for the truth and be the mother she’s failed to be over the years.”

Addressing the notion of being “disowned,” Kelly expressed surprise, stating, “I didn’t know I was disowned by the Khumalos. I am hearing this for the first time. I didn’t know there is anyone left to disown me as my grandfather, grandmother, aunts, and uncles died a long time ago.”

The ongoing family drama surrounding Kelly Khumalo continues to capture the attention of the public, offering glimpses into the complexities of her personal life beyond the spotlight of her music career.

Mafasa for life got beaten by Strong Man so hard, 

Welcome back to Fezeka Daily updates: as we promise to update anything happen between Mafasa for life and Strong Man during the boxing match, Mafasa for life got beaten by Strong Man so hard, 

when we checked on Mafasa for life's Facebook he still want to do a revenge... that so pain to see him like this 😩 😫 

This news was sent Strong Man today morning since we don't anything about Mafasa for life we tried to get a video or picture for them when they were fighting...

And it looks like Strong Man has another boxing match with Dollar Maker, except anything from them  

Friday 26 January 2024

17 ways to make your girlfriend or boyfriend fell special

1. When you miss your special one, call him/her. "I miss you" means nothing if you don't do anything about it

2. Sometimes what your spouse wants is not even an hour long phone conversation from you. A one or a few minutes phone call is enough to brighten up your spouse's day

3. If you two are in a long distance relationship, don't ignore or stop calling; especially if phone calls are the only way to connect

4. Don't always text and chat. Sometimes make that phone call, it is more intimate 

5. Don't attack your spouse with words such as "Where have you been, the phone call rang for a while? What have you been doing?" It makes your spouse defensive at the onset and communicates you are quick to suspect your spouse simply for picking the call seconds late

6. If you see your spouse's missed call, return them

7. Don't order your spouse to give his/her phone to the person near them to prove what they are saying is true. It is demeaning

8. Start phone calls warmly and end phone calls warmly. It makes your spouse enjoy talking to you

9. Before you tell your spouse what you called him/her for, find out how he/her is. It shows care. Don't just go straight at saying "Send me money for fuel, I am stuck"

10. Don't make it a habit to always walk away from your spouse when speaking to someone else over the phone. Your spouse might think you are hiding something 

11. Don't be harsh when talking to your spouse over the phone, especially when he/she is in public. It will make your spouse avoid picking up your calls

12. Sometimes video call your spouse, to show your spouse you wanted to see his/her smile and to share a moment 

13. Don't hang up calls on your spouse, even if you two have an argument. It communicates disrespect. If you two are having a not so pleasant conversation, you can say "Hun, I don't think this conversation is going well. I love you. Please allow me to end the call, we will talk later". That thoughtful ending alone will help you two solve the issue maturely

14. Let it not be that your spouse can hear you enjoying talking to another on phone calls but you rarely call him/her or when you do, it lacks warmth

15. Let your phone conversations have warmth, the right tone, humour, interesting content, courtesy and appreciation. This way, you two will look forward to phone connections

16. Remember that communication is not about how many times you phone call each other, but the quality of those phone calls 

17. Remember you two are blessed to have mobile phones and technology to connect. Many people in the past didn't have this privilege; make good use of it

Be smart with your smart phone

Woman arrested for using fake money to buy groceries at shoprite


SOSHANGUVE - A woman has been arrested for using counterfeit (fake) money to buy goods at Shoprite in Jukulyn,Soshanguve on Friday.

It is alleged that the son-in-law gave the woman,who is the bride's mother and other relatives the fake money for lobola (dowry). The mother accepted and used the money for a few days until she was arrested today

He paid 40,000 lobola on the 23rd of December for lobola and they went to sign as husband and wife January the 08th 2024

She will appear in court on Monday 29th of February 2024